Fruits and Veggies are IMPORTANT

One thing that holds true with every healthy weight loss program is FRUITS and VEGGIES.  We have been hearing it since we were kids!  Sometimes we eat certain ones more than others for weight loss optimizatiFruits and Veggies are IMPORTANTon, but most are LOADED with great nutrients for a healthy body.

Fruit and Veggies Pros List:

As we mentioned above, there are plenty of health benefits to eating fruits and veggies. If you aren’t getting your daily intake, there is a chance you may be missing out! There are a few things that adding fruits and vegetables into your diet can do.

  • Fruits and vegetables have many Vitamins and nutrients including Vitamins A, C, and E

Each type of vitamin has a different job when it comes to helping the body function, but they can help your body resist infections, keep nerves healthy, and even help your body get energy from food!

  • They can help with weight loss:

Eating fruits and vegetables help with weight loss in many ways, one great attribute is they are low calorie.  This means that you can eat more of them without having the added calories to go with it. Fruits and Veggies can also make you feel full too, so you won’t feel the urge to snack on unhealthy foods.

  • They can help to lower cholesterol and fight off many other health issues.
  • They can help lower blood pressure

How to Choose Your Fruits and Veggies

The options for fruits and veggies are endless!  We can also help you with great recipes and ways to make cooking and eating fun!

  • Eat what you like!

Most importantly, find fruits and vegetables you enjoy eating! If you aren’t enjoying what you eat, it will be difficult to make it part of a healthy lifestyle.   Start with some of the favorites, make the list and try to change it up as time goes on. It is also fun to find new ways to prepare your veggies.  Try steamed, roasted in the oven, grilled, or an air fryer for quick meals!

  • Try a Farmers Market

There is nothing better than FRESH! Often times farmers markets have the most fresh and healthy local options.  Try to find ones near you and enjoy getting some exercise while you pick healthy options.

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